“InspiriTec looks at you for the person you are and the work you do, not the medical condition that you have.”
Tanisha • Team Lead • Philadelphia

My disability resulted from injuries sustained at six months old from a tragic house fire. The fire caused significant physical trauma, including scarring over 89% of my body, including amputations. Aside from the trauma resulting from being burned, I endured throughout my childhood the trauma of my mother’s substance abuse. Even so, my mother was the only person besides myself who always saw purpose and potential in me…before I met my colleagues at InspiriTec.
Before InspiriTec, I was not working for five years. I spent that time doing personal projects, such as: writing a book called More Than a Conqueror: Confessions of a True Testimony, starting a nonprofit called Authentic Gems, and raising my three boys as a single mother. After experiencing homelessness four times and living on Social Security, I decided to reenter the workforce. Although I had hoped to reenter the Human Services field, I was grateful to land a job in an environment that wasn’t physically strenuous – the cause for several jobs lost in the past. I figured I would give the call center environment another chance. I had never heard of InspiriTec before I applied, but the more I learned about InspiriTec, the more I knew this was where I wanted to continue my career.
InspiriTec is the first employer I’ve had that truly cares about me. When I was considered for the Team Lead position on our ACA project, I was concerned about getting to the office. My manager said, “what do you need?” – something so simple, but something no previous employer had said to me. The Case Managers also call me frequently, to make sure I have everything I need to stay happy and successful in my job. In May 2022, I was awarded an “Embrace the Abilities” award from UniqueSource Products & Services for “capability, dependability, and employability.”
I have always looked ahead in my career – how can I advance and earn more money to better care for my boys? So far at InspiriTec, I have done that. For example, I went from a Customer Service Representative on the PUA project to managing 15 CSRs on the ACA project in just one month. I advanced again in my career by becoming Team Lead at the Commercial Repayment Center – a new, more complex Commercial Federal project.
My life experiences fostered my interest in psychology. In 2013, I earned a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Chestnut Hill College, and am currently pursuing my license as a Professional Counselor, to ultimately become a Case Manager here at InspiriTec – to support and help people strive to be their very best. InspiriTec continues to support me in moving towards achieving my employment goals. Four years strong working at InspiriTec and my future continues to look bright.
I love coming to work every day. I have come a long way. I realized never wanting to acknowledge my disability was holding me back from establishing my career. InspiriTec taught me to acknowledge and accept my disability, and to be proud of who I am.
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