I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury in November 2011. I attribute it to stress, dehydration, and being less active. I lost half my body function and part of my brain function, and I have epilepsy and visual deficiency. I was a distinguished athlete, coach, and teacher. Though I had to stop teaching after my TBI, I never planned to quit. In 2015 and 2016, respectively, I got married and had a son. I joined a cycling group for Disabled Veterans and First Responders (I was also a First Responder Instructor) called Operation Rebound, and I coached a golfer seeking U.S. Open qualification to almost a 2 handicap. Hobbies in the outdoors and in sports, and supporting a family, are expensive. Thanks to InspiriTec, I can again finance my lifestyle. I thank my wife for finding me this job, because she connected me with the New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services, who connected me with InspiriTec. I had multiple job opportunities, but this one with InspiriTec was the most accessible. I joined InspiriTec as a Customer Service Representative in April 2021. I provide customer service to New Jersey State licensed workers, mostly assisting with licensure processes, like guiding them through the process of applying for and renewing licenses. I again am a productive member of society. I again have pride and purpose. Every day, I seek out challenges and ways to improve myself. In sports terms: If I were a second baseman, I would want to become a better second baseman. I wouldn’t want to become a pitcher. I’m not living my old life, but I enjoy my new life. I enjoy being a husband, a father, cycling with Operation Rebound, and this job. I aim to set a positive example for my son, who’s 6 years old and just finding out what he’s interested in. Thank You, InspiriTec, for affording me my new life!
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