“InspiriTec looks at you for the person you are and the work you do, not the medical condition that you have.”

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InspiriTec’s employees are our key asset and the fruit of our mission. Each real-life story below reveals the impact made possible through our partnerships with commercial customers and the dedication of our committed supporters.
Kevin • Tier 1 Team Lead • Ft Knox
I’m a military brat. My mother, father, and uncle were all in the service, and I thought it was my duty to follow that path. I was scheduled for MEPS, but three days before my date, I suffered a stroke that disqualified me from enlisting. I was working in furniture refinishing, which I loved, but couldn’t do after my stroke – which I had on the job. I needed a new plan. I found out about InspiriTec through the Unemployment office, and I’ve been here since 2017. My current position of Tier 1 Team Lead is the most gratifying job I’ve had. I supervise Tier 1 agents, which I was for two years. I was also a Tier 2 agent for two years before getting my current job last year. Our job in DMDC is hard, because we have to analyze and solve the problem the first time, but I welcome the challenge. Everything I’ve ever done, I’ve done it all the way. I am not a quitter. For example, I completed my CAD education despite having one functional hand. I also want to move up to Operations Manager or General Manager, but I am happily a Team Lead for now. Failing to qualify for military service, as well as working at InspiriTec, has been a blessing. They changed my life for the better. I met my goal of serving the military. When I got to InspiriTec, I was making close to minimum wage, and I was renting a house that flooded 15 times it seemed. InspiriTec found me the resources to help resolve that issue. I don’t live there anymore! With the 401(k) money I accrued through InspiriTec, I bought a house. I advise people with disabilities seeking employment to not get down on yourself and to give it your all.

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