“InspiriTec looks at you for the person you are and the work you do, not the medical condition that you have.”

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InspiriTec’s employees are our key asset and the fruit of our mission. Each real-life story below reveals the impact made possible through our partnerships with commercial customers and the dedication of our committed supporters.
John • Supervisor, Telephone Answering Service • Philadelphia
At age 19, I became an innocent victim of a gunshot due to robbery, and I was paralyzed as a result. I aggressively, but unsuccessfully, searched for five years for a job suitable for a wheelchair user – until I responded to a posting at InspiriTec in Philadelphia. InspiriTec affirmatively hires people with disabilities. That appealed to me. Thanks to InspiriTec, I found new ways to do things I’ve always loved, and I found new passions. InspiriTec has given me great skills in customer service – a great industry for people with disabilities, and has allowed me to seek career advancement opportunities. From 2014 to 2018, I worked for InspiriTec, until I was given an opportunity to work at PECO. Since then, PECO has been my day job, and InspiriTec has been my after-hours/weekend job – and I have advanced myself at both companies. In 2021, I was promoted to my current position at InspiriTec: Supervisor of the Telephone Answering Service (TAS). I oversee scheduling and reach out to required contacts as needed. In 2022, I earned my third promotion and current position at PECO: Billing Specialist. I ensure customers are billed correctly, and I manipulate systems to ensure meters are operating correctly. I have always been an extremely hard worker, and these two jobs allow me to better learn and grow in customer service, while progressing towards my long-term financial goals. I want to buy a house and a nice new accessible van – which I can drive because InspiriTec connected me with a driving program through the Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR). InspiriTec also helped me discover a passion for disability advocacy. I have spoken with elected officials about the employment challenges faced by people with disabilities. I also work with the Magee Rehabilitation Peer Mentor program, where I help people who are newly disabled, due to gun violence and other spinal cord injuries. I get them adjusted to life moving forward, and I teach them things I didn’t know when I became injured. When I’m neither working nor advocating, I’m pursuing my lifelong passion for sports, by watching Philadelphia sports or doing local wheelchair races! You could say, I like to stay busy!

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