“InspiriTec looks at you for the person you are and the work you do, not the medical condition that you have.”
Jackie • Customer Service Representative • Ft. Knox

I was unemployed for 6 months, and I felt absolutely useless to my family. Throughout my marriage and career, my wife Michelle, has stood by me through thick and thin. She constantly ensured me during my unemployment period that, things were going to be alright, and that all things happen for a reason. You know, it’s kind of funny because, Michelle and I only dated for 6 months before we married and, we just celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary in March. I know I made a wise choice. I submitted so many resumes that I lost count, but my persistence finally paid off. I finally received one interview opportunity, and that was InspiriTec’s offer. I now serve as a Customer Care Representative in Fort Knox, Kentucky, providing service by answering phone calls regarding a wide range of issues pertaining to the Army and Human Resources such as retirement pay, orders for deployment or reassignment, Combat Related Special Compensation, Traumatic Service-member’s Life Insurance, etc. I sincerely enjoy the family atmosphere in the Call Center, and the way people are always willing to assist you, if you need it. In the Call Center, we function as a family by assisting each other with our levels of knowledge in different areas. Having served in the military, it’s easier to explain military procedures to those Customer Care Representatives who have not, when they are having difficulties with understanding what a service member is talking about.
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