“InspiriTec looks at you for the person you are and the work you do, not the medical condition that you have.”
Carmen • Head Trainer • Newark

of my life.
I took a course at St. Joseph’s Social Service Center called Project Ready, where I was given the tools and knowledge to go back out into the working world. Through DVR, I was provided with a job coach named Diane, who saw the potential in me which seemed to have been dulled to the world ever since that first diagnosis. She met Susan at a job fair and took me to my interview at InspiriTec. I didn’t know what to expect, never having worked at a call center before, but everyone seemed kind and friendly. I got the job and began to train as a Customer Service Representative for the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs.
I was proud of myself and happy. Within six months of working as a CSR, an opportunity came up to interview for the position of Quality Assurance Specialist. I was unsure, thinking I had been with the company for too short a time to apply. I asked Susan what she thought I should do, and she encouraged me to go ahead and apply. I got the job!
Soon thereafter, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and we were forced to make the move to become a virtual workforce. I continued to do my job as QA, but also began to train employees on the new systems we would be using working from home. As time went on, I asked whether I would like to take over the position of Head Trainer.
I took the job.
As you can tell, InspiriTec does promote from within. It is one of their priorities to provide opportunities for their existing employees. Yes, I had worked there a relatively short time. Yes, I had a disability. No, that did not discourage InspiriTec from giving me the chance of a lifetime: to be promoted and grow my new career with them.
I will not say that I am cured and everything is rosy at all times in my world. I do, however, live with my disability and I no longer let it define me. InspiriTec saw the possibilities in me, so how can I not now see them in myself?
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